I Would Kiss this Man
By David Sapp
I would kiss this man.
Though I’m entirely fixed
in my preferences and I’ll surely
suppress an articulation, I cannot
deny this impulse. When we avidly
debate over topics of consequence,
matters more than trivial,
on occasion, rarely but assuredly,
I would kiss this man.
Now I comprehend the custom
of more exotic locales,
a passionate greeting where
a handshake is inadequate,
the expression of affection
a necessity, anything less, a slight.
I would kiss this man,
an embrace emphatically declaring
a bond more than mere acquaintance.
When Judas smooched Jesus
in the garden (Think of it. He kissed
The Son of God on the mouth.
But Christ was so handsome.)
there was regret on his lips,
the origin of betrayal, an unrequited
infatuation, and likely, a blurred
distinction between adoration and desire.
Unequivocally, I would kiss this man.
I imagine the other apostles
and Mary Magdalene offered
a peck or two now and then.